

From February 17th to 20th, 2012, Vancouver will host the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting. Thousands of international scientists and science media will be here for symposia, plenary talks, posters, and other special events. Earlier Read More…

Cathedrals of Science concert available online

A concert by the Vancouver Cantata Singers recorded at the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre in February, 2011, is now available as part of CBC Radio2’s Concerts on Demand series. Vancouver Cantata Singers recently won the Healey Willan Prize for best Read More…

Dr. Tom Oxland inducted as CAE Fellow

Congratulations to ICORD Acting Director and Principal Investigator, Dr. Tom Oxland, who was honoured with induction as a Fellow of the Canadian Association of Engineers (CAE) in June, 2011, in recognition of his distinguished achievements and career-long service to the Read More…

Funding for International Initiatives

ICORD is excited to announce new initiatives to encourage international collaboration. With the support of the Rick Hansen Institute, ICORD is offering two programs: 1. Visit ICORD on a Scholarship for International Trainees (VISIT program) This program will support a Read More…